Is the school accredited ?
Yes, we are accredited by Ghana Education Service (G.E.S) and registered with the Registrar General Department.
Do you offer transportation for students ?
Yes, busing is offered to students whose parent opt for it.
What time does your school day begin and what time does it end ?
Normal school days/ hours is from Monday to Friday (7:30 am to 1:30 pm) Extra classes is from 1:30 to 3 pm.
Do you offer extra curricular activities ?
We have exciting extra-curricular for students.
Do you have a boarding facility ?
The institution is a day school. It however, provides limited facilities for boarding pupils and students
What is the student teacher ratio ?
The student teacher ratio is 1 : 30 which gives the teacher enough time and patience for each student.
Do you provide food for the children ?
Yes, we serve the children breakfast and lunch.
Our mission it to give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in life, we instill in them good moral values to keep their heads high in all situations.
Our vision is to be the best educational institution in the country providing quality education for all.